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Book an appointment with the police or the Tax Administration at SUA

The police at SUA 

To get a residence permit, you must fill in an application and book an appointment with the police.

If you apply before you arrive in Norway, or if your employer or client applies for you, you do not need to book an appointment until you're told to do so.

If you’re granted a residence permit, the immigration authorities will let the Tax Administration know that you need a Norwegian identification number (national identity number or D number).

Book an appointment with the police via UDI's website


The Tax Administration at SUA

You must apply for a tax deduction card if you’re going to work

To get a tax deduction card, you can

The police at SUA 

You must apply for a residence card for family members of EU/EEA citizens

To get a residence card, you must fill in an application and book an appointment with the police.

If necessary, you'll be able to go straight to the Tax Administration counter after your appointment with the police. You do not have to book a separate appointment with the Tax Administration.

Book an appointment with the police via UDI's website


The Tax Administration at SUA

You must apply for a tax deduction card if you’re going to work

You must bring

  • a passport
  • the filled out form RF-1209 Application for tax deduction card for foreign citizensIf your employer has applied for you, you do not need to fill in this form.
  • an employment contract or written offer of employment
  • documentation showing that you have a right of residence in Norway for at least 6 months, for example a residence card from the police. If you do not have a residence card yet, or if your residence card is older than 6 months, you must bring documentation showing that you’re a family member of an EU/EEA citizen and that this EU/EEA citizen is using their EU/EEA rights. See what you can use as documentation to show family ties to an EU/EEA citizen in UDI’s checklists.

You must report a move to Norway if you’re staying in Norway for more than 6 months

You must bring

  • a passport
  • the filled out form RF-1401 Report a move to Norway from abroad
  • documentation showing that you have a right of residence in Norway for at least 6 months, for example a residence card from the police. If you do not have a residence card yet, or if your residence card is older than 6 months, you must bring documentation showing that you’re a family member of an EU/EEA citizen and that this EU/EEA citizen is using their EU/EEA rights. See what you can use as documentation to show family ties to an EU/EEA citizen in UDI’s checklists.
  • documentation showing that you’re going to stay in Norway for at least 6 months, such as a house purchase contract or rental agreement. If your documentation is older than 3 months, you should also bring a confirmation showing that it’s still valid.

Book an appointment with the Tax Administration

The police at SUA 

You must apply for a residence card if you’re staying in Norway for more than 3 months

To get a residence card, you must fill in an application and book an appointment with the police.

If necessary, you'll be able to go straight to the Tax Administration counter after your appointment with the police. You do not have to book a separate appointment with the Tax Administration.

Book an appointment with the police via UDI's website


The Tax Administration at SUA

You must apply for a tax deduction card if you’re going to work

You must bring

  • a passport
  • a residence card or confirmation of a residence permit from the country in which the EU/EEA company is established
  • the filled out form RF-1209 Application for tax deduction card for foreign citizensIf your employer has applied for you, you do not need to fill in this form.
  • an employment contract or written offer of employment
  • documentation of your assignment in Norway that shows the duration of the assignment

You must report a move to Norway if you’re staying in Norway for more than 6 months

You must bring

  • a passport
  • the filled out form RF-1401 Report a move to Norway from abroad
  • documentation showing that you have a right of residence in Norway for at least 6 months, for example a residence card from the police. If you do not have a residence card yet, or if your residence card is older than 6 months, you must bring documentation showing that you have a right of residence in the country in which the EU/EEA company you work for is established, your employment contract with the EU/EEA company and documentation of your assignment in Norway.
  • documentation showing that you’re going to stay in Norway for at least 6 months, such as a house purchase contract or rental agreement. If your documentation is older than 3 months, you should also bring a confirmation showing that it’s still valid.

Book an appointment with the Tax Administration